[XE1M1] $s16;1: Did someone leave their beeper in the warehouse again? $s160;2: There's ants running around the air vent in Scarlett's office again. She needs to quit stashing snacks there. $s87;3: Are you sure that was a dead end? Sure looks like a shortcut... $s96;4: After the Flemoid invasion, IFOC regulations require PPE to be present at all mining sites. $s94;5: ...some people choose to bring non-standard PPE to work. $s80;6: Mining is hard work, and requires a strong, healthy breakfast. [XE1M2] $s4;1: Where does BLU Warehousing get all their dang cereal bars? $s155;2: Hello, Dr. Crookes! Your tracking number is: 119Z201014PLAS155