function zeesh_update () { if type git &> /dev/null && (( _zeesh_fresh_install != 1 )); then ticker_message "zeesh: pulling from git" # TODO: less frequently, and background start_dir="$(pwd)" cd ~/.local/share/zeesh git pull &> ~/.local/share/zeesh/pull.log cd "${start_dir}" _zshrc_updates_pending=0 if type cmp &> /dev/null; then cmp -s ~/.zshrc ~/.local/share/zeesh/zshrc-stub if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then cp ~/.local/share/zeesh/zshrc-stub ~/.zshrc _zshrc_updates_pending=1 fi fi [[ _zshrc_updates_pending -eq 1 ]] && ticker_message "zeesh: stub updates pending" echo "lastchk=$(date +%s)" > ~/.local/share/zeesh/update.tbl fi } if [[ $_zeeshdev_ignore_updates != 1 ]]; then ticker_message "zeesh: checking network" curl -s --connect-timeout 1 --max-time 3 > /dev/null network_ok=$? if [[ $network_ok ]]; then if [[ -f ~/.local/share/zeesh/update.tbl ]]; then eval $(cat ~/.local/share/zeesh/update.tbl) else lastchk=0 fi curtime=$(date +%s) # if it's been fifteen minutes since the last update, do the update [[ ${curtime} -gt $(( lastchk + 900 )) ]] && zeesh_update fi else ticker_message "zeesh: skipping updates (fuse blown)" fi