/* This file contains string definitions for ANSI color sequences * it was written by Nicole O'Connor and is available to all * under the MIT license. * * Usage: * std::cout << ansicol::red_bold << "I am bold red text!" << ansicol::reset << std::endl; * * ansicol::red = regular red * ansicol::red_bold = bold red * ansicol::red_bg = red background * * colors are red, green, yellow, blue, cyan, magenta, white * * this file was built with cog due to its monotony - while you can safely use this file * in your project without bringing in cog as a build dependency, you probably shouldn't * edit it by hand without good reason. cog can always be installed with this command: * * pip install --user cogapp * * I do not develop that program, I'm merely a fan of it. */ #ifndef __ANSICOL_H #define __ANSICOL_H #pragma once #include using std::string; namespace ansicol { string escape = "\33["; /*[[[cog import cog colindex = 1 for color in ["red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "white"]: cog.outl("string {0} = escape + \"0;3{1}m\";".format(color, colindex)) cog.outl("string {0}_bold = escape + \"1;3{1}m\";".format(color, colindex)) cog.outl("string {0}_bg = escape + \"0;4{1}m\";".format(color, colindex)) cog.outl("") colindex = colindex + 1 ]]]*/ string red = escape + "0;31m"; string red_bold = escape + "1;31m"; string red_bg = escape + "0;41m"; string green = escape + "0;32m"; string green_bold = escape + "1;32m"; string green_bg = escape + "0;42m"; string yellow = escape + "0;33m"; string yellow_bold = escape + "1;33m"; string yellow_bg = escape + "0;43m"; string blue = escape + "0;34m"; string blue_bold = escape + "1;34m"; string blue_bg = escape + "0;44m"; string cyan = escape + "0;35m"; string cyan_bold = escape + "1;35m"; string cyan_bg = escape + "0;45m"; string magenta = escape + "0;36m"; string magenta_bold = escape + "1;36m"; string magenta_bg = escape + "0;46m"; string white = escape + "0;37m"; string white_bold = escape + "1;37m"; string white_bg = escape + "0;47m"; //[[[end]]] (checksum: 597ec07673e8edcafc770a1dcf284956) string reset = escape + "0m"; } #endif // __ANSICOL_H