cellar(1) - bottle management tool for WINE connoisseurs ======================================================== ## SYNOPSIS `cellar` [-dv] [-b ] [--] ## DESCRIPTION `cellar` is a tool for managing WINE bottles. `cellar` arguments are divided like this: * First, [GLOBAL OPTIONS][] are processed. These control things like program verbosity, which bottle to use, and other settings that are relevant no matter what you're doing. * Second, cellar takes a [COMMAND](#COMMANDS), and that command probably has its own set of arguments and flags. TCLAP is generally used as the command line parser, which provides a -- argument to separate the command from the global options (e.g. `cellar -v -- create bottlename`). If the program seems to be interpreting a flag ambiguously, try this first. ## GLOBAL OPTIONS * `-v`, `--verbose`: Enable verbose output. * `-d`, `--dryrun`: Don't actually do anything, just print what you would do. Implies `--verbose`. * `-b`, `--bottle `: Specify that you want to use the bottle named , instead of the one activated with the "cellar activate" command. ## COMMANDS TODO: Generate this. ## COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2017-2025 Nicole O'Connor. Provided under the terms of the MIT license: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT